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The relevence of sustainability in the Blue Ocean Strategy is underpinned by;



  1. Sustainability Of Competitive Advantage

  2. Sustainable Impact On the Global Environment

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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Nike Nutrition and Global Sustainability

Nike’s policy of Corporate Social Responsibility lies at the very forefront of the business, and in many ways dictates its actions. The Launch2020 summit in 2013, in which it held a conference with over 150 corporate entities to espouse the importance of sustainable materials, illustrates its commitment to helping the environment and wider-world through its business.


In particular Nike has focused on;

Increasing Energy Consumption

Water inadequacy

Changing Climate Change

Income Divides and Bridges


Women in Business


In light of this commitment to sustainability, it can be seen that the breakout strategy of Nike into the Sports Nutrition market is underpinned by 3 key themes within sustainability;


Healthy Eating

  • By presenting consumers with products that promote a balanced and healthy diet for a low price, Nike is helping fight obesity.

  • The tailored nature of the product range will ensure that regardless of the physical attributes of the consumer, their dietary requirements can be satisfied, and their health improved or maintained.


Education of The Consumer Base

  • Due to the educational marketing that Nike aims to use to promote market penetration, it will facilitate the enhancement the knowledge of the consumer on subjects such as healthy eating, exercise, and the importance of the correct nutrition.


Food Production

  • In the ever-increasing population has meant that there has been a huge amount of pressure placed on the production of food, and in particular the concentration of food that has to be produced within a geographical area.

  • Sports Nutrition products such as Whey Protein are not at all energy intensive to create, and can by created in bulk using very little resources.

  • Nikes acquisition of Paragon will allow a vital contribution to be made in the field, as the products being made are now for the every day consumer rather than the narrow market of bodybuilding

Blue Ocean Strategy. (2014). Blue Ocean Strategy Tools. Retrieved February 11, 2015, from Blue Ocean Strategy:

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